SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY FOR PUBLIC AIRPORT OPERATORS, Seay, P., Hodge, John Adams, and Seay, Kyle, National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2015. Available for free download from the NAS TRB website:
EXPLORING CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES: INTEGRATION AND GLOBALIZATION, Richardson, Wyness, and Halvorsen, editors., chapter: The Impact of Globalization on Third World Counties: Case Study in Morocco and Tunisia, published by International Cultural Research Network Press, Seay, P. 2002
FOREIGN BUSINESS IN SOUTH CAROLINA, published by the South Carolina State Development Board and Berry, Dunbar, Daniel, O'Connor, & Jordan, revised edition1992, Seay, P. and Dunbar, J.V., Jr. This edition was recognized as a “Top Ten State Publication” by the South Carolina Legislature in 1992
FOREIGN BUSINESS IN SOUTH CAROLINA, published by the South Carolina State Development Board and Berry, Dunbar, Daniel, O'Connor, & Jordan, first edition, 1991, Seay, P. and Dunbar, J.V., Jr.
REFEREED JOURNALS and LAW REVIEWSPracticing Globally: Extraterritorial Implications of the USA PATRIOT Act’s Money-Laundering Provisions on the Ethical Requirements of US Lawyers in an International Environment, Seay, P., SOUTH CAROLINA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND BUSINESS, Fall 2007 issue
Accountants, Attorney-Client Privilege, and the Kovel Rule: Waiver Through Inadvertent Disclosure Via Electronic Communication, co-authored by Pacini, Seay, and Placid, DELAWARE JOURNAL OF CORPORATE LAW, Spring 2004
China by Internet: An Introduction to Internet-Based Resources for the Research and Study of China; Seay, P., EDUCATION ABOUT ASIA, Vol. 5 No. 2, Fall 2000
The People's Republic of China and the United States of America: Economy, Trade, and Tourism, edited by Seay, P.,, CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM; SPECIAL ISSUE: IMPACTS OF THE ASIAN ECONOMIC CRISIS, Vol. 2:4, 1999
Law, Crime, and Punishment in the People's Republic of China: A Comparative Introduction to the Criminal Justice and Legal Systems of the People's Republic of China, Seay, P., INDIANA INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1998 [NOTE: This article has been cited in COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS: A TOPICAL APPROACH, 3rd and 4th editions, by Philip Reichel, published by Prentice Hall]
The Significance of Prior Case Determination in Combined Legal and Equitable Claims: Divergence in the Fourth Circuit, Seay, P., SOUTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW, Survey Issue, Volume 40, #1, published 1988
Judgment Creditors Denied Interest During Pendency of Appeal, Seay, P., SOUTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW, Survey Issue, Volume 40, #1, published 1988
Court Adopts "Rebuttable Presumption" Rule in the Event of Failure to Notify in a Default Sale, Seay, P., SOUTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW, Survey Issue, Volume 40, #1, published 1988
White Paper: Proposed Temple Terrace Bat Tower Project: Analysis and Recommendations; Geoffrey Chambers, John Adams Hodge, and Pamella Seay, CPERL Group LLC, November 2013
Why Certification Matters, Seay, P., INTERNATIONAL LAW QUARTERLY, The Florida Bar International Law Section, Vol. XXII, No. 2, Fall/Winter 2007
Board Certification Specialty Areas UPDATE: International Law; Seay, P., FLORIDA BAR JOURNAL, May 2006
Board Certification Specialty Areas UPDATE: International Law; Seay, P., FLORIDA BAR JOURNAL, April 2003
Globalization and the Rule of Law; Challenges of Globalization: Morocco and Tunisia, Seay, P., U.S. Department of Education Seminars Abroad Program 2001, THE MOROCCAN-AMERICAN COMMISSION FOR EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL EXCHANGE, 2001
Ethics: New Meaning for an Old Idea, Seay, P., SOUTH CAROLINA FORUM, published Winter Issue 1992
Selection of the Judiciary in South Carolina: Proposals for Refinement, Seay, P., SOUTH CAROLINA FORUM, published Summer Issue 1991
OTHER PUBLISHED MATERIALSStaying Afloat: Update on the Changes to the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct, CLE International, Tampa, FL, May 21, 2007
Cruise Ship Issues in Travel Law, Central Florida Global Forum 2007, European Union and U.S. Law: Cooperation and Conflict in Business and Tourism, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, April 12, 2007
Raising Awareness: It’s All Local, Florida Bar Board Certification Examination Workshop & Leadership Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 2, 2006
Ethics and the Art of Takings, Eminent Domain Law, CLE International, September 2006
Ethics in the Wake of Disaster, National Environmental Policy Act, CLE International, January 2006
Ethics: How Well Can You Apply the Rules?, Land Use Law, CLE International, June 2004
U.S. Immigration Policy and the Case of Elian Gonzalez; Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing, China, May 16, 2000
National Approach To An International Dilemma: The USA Patriot Act And Its Impact On Terrorism And Transborder Activities, Seay, P., International Cultural Research Network Biennial Congress, July 2006
The Impact of Globalization on Third World Countries: Case Study in Morocco and Tunisia; Seay, P., International Cultural Research Network, University of Alberta, Winter 2002
Egypt and the Allure of Luxor, a Photo-Essay, Seay, P., WGCU EXPRESSIONS, August 2003
Book Review, Seay, P., Harold Tanner, Strike Hard: ANTI-CRIME CAMPAIGNS AND CHINESE CRIMINAL JUSTICe, 1979-1985; CHINA INFORMATION, Vol. XIV No. 1, 2000